Psalm 16
November 17, 2024 Father, our lives are bombarded with constant messages – tweets, texts, and
social media, from competing cultures within our society—all telling us who we are,
how we should live, and whom we should trust. With the recent election, for better
or worse, we find ourselves moving towards living in a shifted reality. In the midst of this
circumstance, we come to this Psalm and humbly ask You to preserve and sustain us.
Lord, you hold the very fibers of our lives in the palm of your hand. You are involved in
all that we do. Your instructions are a source of light and understanding. It serves us
well to reflect on that truth. May we hold tightly to the truth that you are the source of
light and understanding and remain rooted in it.
Teach us, through Your Word and through our experiences, what it means to start living
now the eternal way. You are the one with all power. And in your presence, you give us
the ability to forgive and re-create bad situations making them new. We are Your
apprentices, learning how to make a difference in our world and rule with You.
We often fail to consider the significance of our souls, but we know you value them
deeply and take joy in those who seek You.
You gave us the freedom to choose our thoughts, and You will not take that freedom
away from us. Help us in this service and in the weeks ahead to reset our thoughts and
focus our attention on Christ. Move us beyond merely professing faith in Him, to having
a faith like Christ, trusting in Your promise that You work all things together for good.
Open our eyes to see Jesus more clearly, that, like the apostle Paul, when we align our
thoughts with Yours and pray, things that otherwise would not have happened, happen
and we see Your power at work in our lives, which is just the way we want it.
We bring this prayer to you now in the precious name of Jesus. … And all God’s people
said … Amen.