Psalm 116
April 23, 2023
Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
We come before you today as a thankful people because of your trustworthiness. When we are in deep despair the psalmist tells us you hear our cries. Knowing you will always be there gives us confidence that whatever the situation or how dire it seems, we can come to you. It’s your desire that we lean on you.
In our present day of information overload, sometimes we get caught up in listening to voices that seem to have pure motives and sound authentic. Then we get disappointed because we find out they weren’t entirely honest about their message. How refreshing to know that you are not like that. In you we can be guaranteed absolute truth. No hidden agendas. No disappointment. Holy Spirit, impress on us what is really important in this life. As we study your word, listen to it preached over the radio, in person, or on a podcast, may you help us to discern what to spend our time on.
The psalmist wonders how we can repay the Lord for all of his goodness. Sounds impossible. How do we repay someone who has laid down his life for us? We are instructed to look to the Lord and call out to Him. Help us to take the time and be thankful for all of the things you have done for us. For our salvation. For the freedom to worship without the fear of being put in prison. For the blessing of a believing spouse or a close friend. Someone who can push us into a closer relationship with you Lord, or challenge us when we are not making good decisions. Help us to express our thanksgiving to You for all of the small and big ways you are at work in our lives.
The psalmist also expresses his desire to be someone who would keep their word in a public setting. As we claim to put our trust in you Jesus, help us to have the boldness to share that publically when the opportunity arises.
Heavenly Father, we want to remember our brothers and sisters around the world who do not share the same freedom to worship that we have. We pray that you would grant them safety as they meet. Help them to be an encouragement to one another. We ask that they would have wisdom and discernment in setting gathering times and places. We know there are hurting people on so many levels around the world. We also know that there can be true contentment found in a relationship with you. To that end we ask that you continue to build your church overseas, in the United States and right here in Columbus Township at Centennial Church.
We pray these things that you may be glorified in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
And all God’s people said………Amen.