Psalm 10
March 9, 2025 Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
How refreshing it is to see David come before you and ask honest questions that were
bothering him. He was wondering why wicked people seem to prosper when they take
advantage of the weak, and no one holds them to account. Today, it’s easy for us to echo
David’s question. We see examples of powerful people who have no regard for you. Yet, in
their pride they continue to crush people under them, not thinking they will have to answer
to anyone. The frustrating thing is, it appears that they get away with their poor arrogant
For thousands of years this has been going on. Man’s rebellion against you thinking we
know better than you. Father, we may not think we are like these powerful people who
crush the weak, however, the fact is we all have a fallen sin nature and rebel against your
authority in our lives. Help us to remember that you are our ultimate King. Nothing gets by
you. One day you will hold everyone accountable and bring justice to our world. Holy
Spirit, bring to mind the areas of our lives where we need to submit to your Lordship.
Whether it be in relationships, financial matters or how we are use our time. Help us to
remember our words and actions may either draw people to you, or sadly push them away.
Please give us discernment and wisdom to know what to say when we interact with others,
whether in person or on social media.
Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We ask for your hand of
protection to be with Israel and that you would bring an end to the conflict which has gone
on so long. We also pray for a peaceful end to the war between Ukraine and Russia. We
pray you will give wisdom to the leaders on both sides and help them to find a solution.
Father, we thank you for the regional conference B and T were able to attend recently,
where they were refreshed and equipped in the ministry. We ask you will bless their efforts
as they work alongside fellow laborers in sharing the good news of Jesus with their
neighbors. We know any time your gospel message is being proclaimed, Satan seeks to
bring conflict and strife. Because of this, we pray for a hedge of protection around the
fellow workers and local brothers and sisters B and T are associated with. Please
continue to bless B, T and the boys as they work to further your kingdom.
We pray these things in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit….and all God’s people