Psalm 2

John Chamberlain   -  

January 12, 2025 Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Thank you for your word and how you allow it to speak truth into our lives today. Our
Psalm today is no exception. We see in our world examples of how nations rebel. They
make their plans without any regard for you, thinking that you are either uninterested or
unable to step in and intervene. The truth be told Father, many of us act in similar ways.
We make our own plans and behave selfishly, because we don’t really think you’re
interested in what we do. That thinking is flawed.
This psalm teaches us that you clearly know what is happening at all times. That fact that
you laugh and scoff at our plans indicates how much higher your understanding is of the
world we live in and the situations we face. We also learn in this psalm that King Jesus will
come again and rule this world. Help us to live in anticipation of this and rest in the fact
that you are always multiple steps ahead of us.
The psalm instructs the rulers of the world, along with us, to serve the Lord with fear and
rejoice with trembling. Those actions seem like an odd combination when put together.
However, when we take time to remember some of the miraculous events that have
happened in the pages of scripture, perhaps we can have an accurate view of how to serve
you with fear and rejoice with trembling. How mighty must you be Father to part the Red
Sea, allowing the Israelites to escape the Egyptians on dry ground. Or when you worked
through Jesus to feed over 5000 people with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of
fish. These events really happened. And you were the author that made them possible. Help
us to pause for a moment and consider just how great you are! When we do this and put
our trust in your capable hands, the psalmist promises that we will be blessed.
Heavenly Father, we also bring before you today the wild fires that are raging in
California. We ask for your hand of protection to be over the fire fighters and first
responders, as they work to remove the threat. We pray that you would calm the wind and
bring rain, so the effectiveness of their work can be maximized. We also pray you would
give wisdom to Christ followers in the areas that have been affected. Show them the best
ways to help out and may their actions be a clear testimony to bring glory to your name.
We pray these things in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit….and all God’s people