Psalm 19

Mark Rhoads   -  

September 1, 2024 Father, If we claim ignorance of you, if we say “How are we to know you?,”
we have deceived ourselves, for your eternal power and divine nature are evident in what
you have made, in the expanse of the heavens, in the remnant of Eden which is the
wonder of our earth, in the intricacies of our own bodies. With our claim of
ignorance we deny the clear proof and we are without excuse.

But you did not stop at revealing yourself through creation. You have prompted
and inspired your servants to record your precepts and righteous requirements in
ever increasing languages, your written Word, spread throughout the world where
it stirs our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Father, out of love you have revealed yourself to us in word and deed that we may
know you. In love you convict us of sin. In love you offer forgiveness. In love
you show us the right path. In love you teach us how to trust you. Your ways
revive us. Your ways make us wise. Your ways enlighten our eyes so that we may
see truth. Your ways and your rules are completely righteous, enduring forever.

Father, may we not be caught flatfooted as our shouting world seeks to insidiously
worm its way into our minds and into our lives. Make us hungry for your ways.
Help us to resist the dark paths that tempt us every day. May we pay attention to
the Spirit who is prompting us to be like Jesus. Make us people of the Word and
may we be the Word in this groaning world through love, for love is the fulfilment
of this law which you gave us.

Today, father, we observe the ordinance of baptism, a sign of new life in you, the
life you give us through the full and final sacrifice for sin that satisfied the
requirements of the Law, the death of Messiah Jesus and his resurrection to
become Lord and King. And while creation groans, waiting to be set free from its
bondage to corruption, may we as a Spirit-prompted fellowship of the redeemed in
this broken world, continue to encourage one another, to stimulate one another to
love and good deeds as we eagerly await our adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray,
and all of God’s people said, AMEN