Psalm 72

John Chamberlain   -  

August 25, 2024 Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
We praise you today for this glimpse of what it will look like in the future when you reign with
complete justice and righteousness. David instructs us you will care for the needy and the
oppressed because they are precious in your eyes. Teach us from this example how to care for
people in our present day. We confess that often times we don’t see the needs of people
because of the pace of our lives. Please show us specific ways we can care for those around us.
May we be attentive to people that need our help and view them as being precious because
that’s how you view them.
Father, we are thankful for the refreshment you can bring to our lives if we call on your name.
David uses a couple of illustrations of life giving water to bring our attention to how you allow
us to flourish and live at peace when we are pursuing you. In the craziness and great conflict we
see in the world, this almost seems unreal. And yet, Paul instructs us in Philippians that you
offer a peace that passes all understanding. Help us to turn any anxiety we have over to you,
understanding you are in total control.
David prays that your name will endure and your fame will continue as long as the sun. Well,
here we are two thousand plus years after you walked on the earth and the name of Jesus has
endured to this day. In our country, when it seems like some people would rather forget about
you, help us to continue to glorify your name for all the wondrous things you alone have done.
Father, we thank you for the translation work N and C are doing based in T. We also thank you
for the opportunity we had to see them along with B and T earlier this summer. We pray that
their friends and colleagues would not be hindered in any way when trying to get to some of the
upcoming training events. We pray for protection and refreshment when they are able to meet
for the training. We also ask that you would continue to help N gain strength and that you
would meet the physical and spiritual needs of the entire family.
As we wrap up the summer and head into fall, I pray for the practical needs of our families and
teachers who will be working with our children. Help our families settle into a healthy rhythm
as there will be many changes to their schedules. We pray that you would bless our teachers for
their willingness to prepare lessons so your word can be clearing taught.

We pray these things in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit….and all God’s people