Psalm 1

Mark Anderson   -  

May 12, 2024

Let our prayers come before you, O Lord, give us understanding according to your word.

Here in this Psalm David contrasts men of righteousness that follow your ways and flourish like trees; with the wicked who stand opposed to your righteousness and are blown around like chaff in the winds of a tornado. Although the righteousness path is the better choice it is a lifelong challenge to continue it.

As I pray with these my brothers and sister in Christ, I pray that you would give us a steadfast love for all your instructions and a renewed sense of delight in the illustrations and promises of scripture. Make your words so flavorful that we might say “How sweet are your words to my taste”.    Open our eyes that we might see wonderous things from your law, for they are not bland and tasteless. Let the nutrients your word into streams nurture our souls.

This day we honor the often-hidden labor of love our mothers made on our behalf and we thank you for the ways they have taught us your word. We recognize their love as a glimpse of your love.  We thank you for their unwavering commitment and request your blessing of strength and joy for them.

We know that parenting and mothering in particular, comes with frustration, seasons of exhaustion, and much angst over situations that seem totally out of control. Please let your strong hand be ready to help them in their times of desperation and need. Comfort those that are struggling to see a way forward. Provide for those that have given it their all and still feel like they are coming up short.

We pray for the mothers of children that are in transition. Children are meant to grow up and leave the homes that nurtured them. We pray for the necessary endings that launch children into new worlds of choices, growth, and maturity. May your face shine on the mothers as they navigate these changes for themselves and their children.

We ask your comfort for those that weep. We pray for those who are bitter because of broken relations. We ask your protection for those in great fear. And we ask your guidance for the many uncertain about their own lives and the challenges pressing on their children.

As we are praying for mothers we want to include the mothers of our missionaries. They face unique challenges of parenting 3rd world kids. Let your hand help them.

According to your steadfast love and according to your justice give us life and fruit in our sojourning during these brief years of our lives.

And as Gods People we together say Amen.